Today’s Date:
02/15/2025 0512 |
Applicants Name:
Birth Date:
Drivers License Number and State (if you drive):
Home Address:
Home Phone:
Email Address:
Alternate Address (if needed):
Alternate Phone:
Current School:
Grade Level:
Are your grades usually “C’s” or better: |
Please attach a copy of your most recent report card:
Have you ever been a member of the Hershey Fire Crew: |
Are you related to a member of the Hershey Fire Crew: |
If you are related to a member of the Hershey Fire Crew, Who:
Work Permit Number:
Date Issued:
Issued by:
Please attach a copy of your work permit or application. You can get an application at the high school career office:
Parent, Guardian or Sponsor Name:
Parent, Guardian or Sponsor Phone:
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Phone Number:
Emergency Contact Relation:
What experience do you have related to the fire service:
Are you able to attend meeting and training on a regular basis (most are Monday nights from 6-9pm): |
Do you have any limitations (physical, mental or otherwise) that could prevent you from performing the duties of a Junior Firefighter: |
If you have any limitations, please explain:
List any accommodations or adaptations you might need to perform your duties:
Are you a dependable, trustworthy person, who can follow directions without hesitation: |
If you are not a dependable, trustworthy person, who can follow directions without hesitation, please explain:
Are you willing and able to follow rules and regulations of the fire department, local, state or federal laws: |
List any illicit drugs, alcohol or prescription you take:
Work History |
Current Employer:
Current Employer Address:
Current Employer Phone:
Your position/title/duties:
Supervisor Name/Title:
May we contact your employer: |
How many hours per week do you usually work when school is in session:
When school is not in session:
Note: Child Labor Laws may limit your availability to be active in the department or your paid job |
List any other work history:
Have you ever been in trouble with law enforcement or school officials: |
If you have you ever been in trouble with law enforcement or school officials, please explain:
Name of Friend, Co-worker, Friend of family, etc.:
Reference #1 Name:
Reference #1 Phone Number:
Reference #1 Email Address:
Reference #1 - Best time to get a hold of them:
Name of Teacher, school official, religious leader, etc.:
Reference #2 Phone Number:
Reference #2 email:
Reference #2 Best time to get a hold of them:
Read the Junior Fire Program expectations and rules at |
Junior Applicants Electronic Signature:
Date Signed:
02/15/2025 0512 |
Parent or guardian electronic signature permission to participate:
Date Parent or guardian electronic signature signed:
02/15/2025 0512 |
By siging my electrtonic signiture above I do hereby promise to adhere and abide by the rules and regulations set-forth by Pennsylvania Child Labor Laws, Hershey Fire Company and Junior Program Guidelines. I understand that it is the right of the Hershey Fire Company to terminate this program at any time for any reason. Upon my termination (voluntary or involuntary), I will surrender all issued equipment in a timely manner.